Testing Schedule

Required Monthly Test (RMT)
Transmission: RMTs are to be initiated by the State Homeland Security Office, Wyoming Public Radio and the National Weather Service on a rotating basis. During the designated week for this test, all other broadcasters and cable operators are to wait for this test and then react as described in (4.) below. These tests shall always use the Event Code “RMT”, never codes such as “State Test”, or “Local Area Test”, etc.
Scheduling of RMTs / Week and Time-of-Day:
RMTs shall always occur during the first, full, Sunday-thru-Saturday week of the month.
Time frame and origination of the RMT tests shall adhere to the following format:
January | DAY / 8:30 AM to Local Sunset | Wyoming Public Media (State Relay) |
February | NIGHT / Local Sunset to 8:30 AM | WY Office of Homeland Security |
March | DAY / 8:30 AM to Local Sunset | National Weather Service |
April | NIGHT / Local Sunset to 8:30 AM | Wyoming Public Media (State Relay) |
May | DAY / 8:30 AM to Local Sunset | WY Office of Homeland Security |
June | NIGHT / Local Sunset to 8:30 AM | National Weather Service |
July | DAY / 8:30 AM to Local Sunset | Wyoming Public Media (State Relay) |
August | NIGHT / Local Sunset to 8:30 AM | WY Office of Homeland Security |
September | DAY / 8:30 AM to Local Sunset | National Weather Service |
October | NIGHT / Local Sunset to 8:30 AM | Wyoming Public Media (State Relay) |
November | DAY / 8:30 AM to Local Sunset | WY Office of Homeland Security |
December | NIGHT / Local Sunset to 8:30 AM | National Weather Service |
LP = Test will come from the Local Primary station that you monitor.
Wyoming STATE EOC = The State EOC will send the RMT at its discretion.
The LP and PN stations must then rebroadcast this test within 60 minutes of receiving it.
Scheduling of RMTs/Recommended Time Constraints
LP stations, and the State EOC are requested to use judgment in the scheduling of times for RMTs. Since all broadcasters and cable operators are required to rebroadcast this test within 60 minutes of receiving it, care should be taken to not put undue hardship on TV broadcasters in particular, when they are carrying their highest-revenue programming. On a daily basis, these periods would include all major newscasts: early morning, noontime, evening, and late evening. In addition, the times of major events are recommended to be avoided, such as: pre-planned Presidential speeches, hours of a major national or local news story carried outside of normal newscast hours, local and national election coverage, and major sporting events like World Series games and the Super Bowl.
Broadcasters and cable operators who have a complaint regarding the scheduling of RMTs in their area should make their concerns known to their area State EAS Chair or Vice-Chair.
Reception/ re-transmission of RMTs
All broadcasters and cable operators receiving an RMT test must re-transmit this test within 60 minutes of receiving the test. [For Daytime-only stations receiving nighttime RMT, this test must be re-transmitted within 60 minutes of the Daytime-only station’s sign-on.] Transmission of this RMT test takes the place of the Required Weekly Test (RWT). Times should be logged for both the receipt and re-transmission of the RMT test. Broadcast and cable management should impress upon their staff that re-transmission of this test is not an option. It is a FCC violation to fail to re-transmit this test within 60 minutes of receiving it. The best policy may be to set your EAS unit for a 60-minute automatic countdown upon receiving an RMT. If the operator on duty does not send the test manually within that window, the box will do it for him when time runs out. If it is not possible to retransmit the RMT upon sign on, transmit an RWT in place of the RMT. As there are several LPs in the state monitoring stations outside of their Operational Area there is an exception to this rule. A RMT received from outside your Operational Area does not need to be forwarded. It should be properly logged and a comment that it is outside of the stations Operational Area should be made in the log.
Time-Duration and County-Location Codes to be Used
TIME-DURATION codes used in the EAS Header Code for all EAS Tests shall be 30 MINUTES.
COUNTY-LOCATION codes used in the EAS Header Code for EAS Tests shall conform to these guidelines:
All State tests, RWT and RMT, shall use the Location Code for the entire state.
PN and NN Stations and Cable Operators: RMT tests shall be re-transmitted unchanged, except for the “L-Code”. Thus, RMTs will include all counties present in the original message. For the RWT originated each week by each PN and NN station, and each cable operator, the county-location code used shall be the county for the broadcaster’s City of License, or cable operator’s Community of License. Other counties in the station’s/system’s service area may be added at management discretion.
Required Weekly Test (RWT)
All broadcasters and cable operators must transmit an RWT once each week at random days and times except for the week of the RMT test. There are no time-of-day restrictions. This is a 10.5-second test, consisting only of the EAS Header and End-of-Message Codes.
All broadcasters and cable operators receiving a RWT from one of their monitored sources must log receipt of this test from their one or two required monitored sources. No further action is required.