SECC Governance Structure

What are your SECC’s Duties and responsibilities?
The WY State Emergency Communications Committee (SECC) is designed to plan for effective distribution of national, state and county alerts and testing using technologies readily available in Wyoming. The goal of the WY SECC is to involve participants in all areas of emergency management including broadcasters/cable operators, state emergency managers, county and tribal emergency managers, and weather alerting agencies.
How are SECC members and leaders selected? Do your SECC’s members represent all alert originators in your state?
The WY State Emergency Communications Committee (SECC) is a group of volunteers from throughout the state and in various fields of emergency communications. WY department of Transportation 911, WY Homeland Security, Tribal Emergency Management, and the National Weather Service will each provide one representative. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman will invite broadcasters, cable operators and county emergency managers to serve on the committee with no less than three (3) representatives from the broadcast / cable operator industry and no less than three (3) county emergency managers. Chairman and Vice-chairman will be determined by consensus of the entire SECC.
What is your SECC’s administrative structure? (e.g., How are decisions made in your SECC?)
The current structure of the WY State Emergency Communications Committee (SECC) consists of representatives from WY Homeland Security, County Emergency Managers, WY Department of Transportation 911, TV and Radio Broadcasters, Tribal Emergency Managers, Statewide Networks, and the National Weather Service (NOAA). The Chairman and Vice-chairman can serve no more than two (2) consecutive two (2) year terms. Broadcasters, cable operators and county emergency managers can serve no more than one (1) three year term. WY department of Transportation 911, WY Homeland Security, Tribal Emergency Management, and the National Weather Service will each provide one representative. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman will invite broadcasters, cable operators and county emergency managers to serve on the committee with no less than three (3) representatives from the broadcast / cable operator industry and no less than three (3) county emergency managers. Decisions of the SECC will be by consensus and this structure can be amended by consensus.